Porn, Prostitutes, Pedophiles - Illuminati agenda

Sep 8, 2011

Dopamine, only chemical weapon the illuminati delivered on nuclear warheads

Before the current and final GMO stage, Illuminati already used chemical weapons to successfully reduce humans to beasts:
- Bisphenol A for the "black is white" sexual agenda through hormonal disruption "testosterone turns to estrogen and vice-versa", delivered first with baby bottles and later with water PET bottles, particularly for babies and children;
- Marijuana for dumbing down and submission, particularly for teenagers;
- Fluoride for dumbing down and submission, delivered by tap water, for all.

But dopamine was the only chemical weapon the illuminati were able to mount on nuclear warheads, delivering it no longer with sex magazines and sex movies but with global internet (1).
"Coincidentally" the illuminati delivered the dopamine nuclear warheads the same way that they would have their victims a few years later accept the Mark: on touch screens.
End time computers: what turns dopamine into the ultimate chemical weapon of mass destruction (2).

(1) May 16, 2012, The Great Porn Experiment: Gary Wilson at TEDxGlasgow

(2) The government page on Chemical warfare agents and chemical weapons is correct but not complete, once it is reduced:
"chemical warfare (CW) is probably one of the most brutal created by mankind. CW agents are extremely toxic ... chemicals ... These CW agents have either lethal or incapacitating effects on humans. They differ from explosive chemicals in which the destructive effects are caused by shear force and are localized. Thousands of toxic substances are known, but only some of them are considered as CW agents based on their characteristics, viz. high toxicity, imperceptibility to senses and rapidity of action after dissemination and persistency...
According to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), chemical weapons are defined as toxic chemicals and their precursors, munitions and devices, and any equipment specifically designed for use directly in connection with such weapons.

One of the stripped parts reads "are listed as scheduled chemicals in the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)", that does not include dopamine. 
Dopamine, the ultimate chemical weapon of mass destruction, is mentioned only in connection with LSD:
"LSD also influences neurophysiologic functions that are connected with dopamine, which is another naturally occurring hormone-like substance. Most of the brain centers receptive to dopamine become activated by LSD, while the others are depressed."

The same government page that "informs" us that:
"The only major use of CW since WWI occurred during the Iran–Iraq War in the 1980s.
The largest single CW attack killing around 5,000 people followed an Iraqi nerve agent attack on the Kurdish civilian population of Halabja. This attack illustrates the one single characteristic of CW agents that allows them to be considered as WMD.

Chemical weapons
2009: WATER BREAKING NEWS illuminati OFFICIALLY reveal HOW they've poisoned the populace
Lance Armstrong innocent and the marijuana agenda to mutate teenagers to human cattle

Mark of the Beast - touch screens - HISTORIC page by LAST PROPHET
Halloween 2004 - last hours before almost all Americans accept to carry the mark - (Nov 1, 2004), 

The BIG PICTURE about computers that people failed to get before being reduced to beasts
Result #1 by angelic Google today as for the past is the END TIME truth:
Computers in End Times - why did God allow them?

Forums -- (archived24th November 2012: Gassed (locked and moved to "Comedy Gas Chamber") within minutes: 

Jun 9, 2009

Silvio Berlusconi's penis erection photo exposed - maximally reduced to the names of a "premier" and a "president"

Illuminati media propagates a photo displaying an "erected penis",  using the "obscured face" technique to officially inform that it can be "any guest of an orgy organized by Berlusconi" while using suggestion it tries to convince the audience that it is in fact Berlusconi.

The obvious reasons: destroy moral

At first this seems to be the nothing but the technique of  using illuminati icons, in particular those playing presidents,

- to advance the Porn, Prostitution & Pedophilia agenda, as in the Clinton/Lewinsky 1998 milestone;

- by suggesting that the person seen is Berlusconi, marketing illuminati icon Berlusconi  in the roie of "for ever young Caasanova".

The less obvious reasons: cover-up the 2009 EU elections fraud

Applying the porn framework to Italy's "permier" Berlusconi, implemented as his “divorce” and the choice of "very young" models as candidates to the EU parliament, followed by "wild sex orgies with 'very young' prostitutes", with the photo of "Berlusconi’s erection" as climax,  upscaling "Bill" Clinton's verbal descriptions of "oral sex", "tainted dresses" and "sex with cigar", serves another agenda, which in this case becomes more important than destroying moral, an agenda which, unlike in 1998, now is completed.

There were two specific reasons to stage this case, related to how the Beast staged the 2009 EU parliament "elections".

Maximally reduced, they return (1)
- another "premier" of another EU "Country" : B _ _ _ _
- a "president" of another EU "Country" : S _ _ _ _ _ _

(1)  Try solving it before clicking to see solution here:

In Forums -- soc.culture.british
